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Girls afternoon out

By Summers Past Farms | August 11, 2011

Sandra Lee and friends having lunch under the shady pavillion.

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4 Responses to “Girls afternoon out”

  1. Sandra Lee Says:
    August 11th, 2011 at 4:06 pm

    Hi Sheryl,
    We enjoyed our day at the Farm so much. It was so beautiful and relaxing. Thank you for all the goodies!!!

  2. rita Says:
    August 11th, 2011 at 7:58 pm

    Hello Sheryl,
    I am so glad Sandra brought us to Summer Past. What great place to be. I will be posting some photos in the next few days. Ciao Rita

  3. Holly Says:
    September 9th, 2011 at 9:10 pm

    Hello Sheryl,

    I have a few questions since taking your soap class a few years back (wonderful time).

    How or what would I look for to know if the essential oils are pure and as well as the butters?

    I see a lot of wholesalers putting in the description #-# % – but I have no idea what that means.

    What would I need to ask a wholesaler about their base oils – to know if those are pure? or the purest I can get.

    Thanks so much – awaiting your reply.

  4. Summers Past Farms Says:
    September 14th, 2011 at 2:44 pm

    Those are always good questions. The essential oils and supplies that I sell I know are pure the broker that I purchase from sent me the documents when I began with them years ago. I don’t use butters so I don’t have inforamtion at that.
    I hope that helps
    Thank you
    Sheryl Lozier
